CASA - Child Care 2024-25
Overview and ObjectivesThe Child Care program (CASA) is an extended care program offered for St. Matthew’s students. The objective is to provide a “safe harbor” for children whose parents cannot pick them up at dismissal or who need to drop them off earlier than 7:45 a.m. because of their work schedule. Children in the program will be involved in productive formal and informal activities with peers under the direction of caring adults. While a quiet homework area is provided, the program is not academic and directors are not responsible for checking the accuracy or completeness of homework. Students may bring a healthy snack if they would like one.
CASA Contract
- Click here for the CASA contract
- The CASA contract must be submitted prior to the first day of school on August 21, 2024.
- CASA billing will be done monthly through FACTS.
Fee Schedule for the 2024-25 school year
- Students may attend daily from dismissal time until 6:00 P.M. and in the morning from 7:00 A.M. to 7:45 A.M.
- $10.00 per hour will be charged for children attending.
- Ten to 30 minutes will be billed as a half-hour. Thirty-one to 60 minutes will be billed as a full hour.
- Late Pick-Ups: If your child is not picked up by 6:00 P.M., there is a $1.00 charge for every minute past 6:00 P.M. This is payable IMMEDIATELY upon pick up.
BillingAll of the CASA billing will be done via FACTS. If you do not have a FACTS account, you must set up your family account prior to your child attending CASA. Click here for more information about creating a FACTS account.
Tax StatementsParticipating families using CASA can print a CASA Statement directly from their FACTS account, which is useful for processing reimbursements or annual tax returns. The tax ID number for CASA is 94-1156803.
Employer ReimbursementsWe are happy to sign forms for employer reimbursement. Please send them directly to the school office.
RemindersKeep Emergency Information current in the school office, including all persons authorized to pick up your child.
LocationRoom C adjacent to the 2nd grade classrooms on the ramp.
CASA will NOT be available on the following dates:
- The first three days of school - August 21st, 22nd, 23rd
- The last day prior to the Christmas Break is a 12:30 p.m. dismissal on December 20, 2024.
- The last day before Easter Break is a 12:30 p.m. dismissal on March 17, 2025.
- Teacher Appreciation Luncheon - this is a 12:30 p.m. dismissal on May 2, 2025.
- The last day of school is a 9:30 a.m. dismissal on June 11, 2025.
Operating Hours
- Morning - 7:00 A.M. until 7:45 A.M.
- Afternoon dismissal until 6:00 P.M.
Parent Responsibilities
- The emergency form/contract must be completed and returned to the school office before your child/ren can attend CASA.
- Update the emergency form in the school office immediately when there are changes, i.e. phone numbers, authorized persons picking up, etc. The office will then give CASA a copy.
- Do not expect CASA staff to release children to persons not listed on the form or have no ID.
- Children will be released to either parent unless a court order is on file stating otherwise.
CASA is NOT intended as an after school play-date time. For safety reasons, only children of working parents are eligible for this program. In addition, your balance from the previous month must be paid in full each month in order for your child to continue to attend CASA.
- Students attending CASA will be released from their classroom and go directly to CASA. Kindergartners and 1stgraders are walked to CASA by their Teacher or Aide.
- Children may not leave CASA without being signed out by an adult.
- Follow rules and procedures outlined on the Program Contract.